I still plan to write about those 2 fires and other calls mentioned in my previous entry, but I'm waiting until I get the pictures back so I can put them on here.
Last shift (I'll be going to work in a few minutes) the first 3 calls were cardiac arrests. Not one of these calls was the patient actually in arrest. In fact, most were sitting up, talking to the other crews when we arrived.
"Start your day with a DOA, Do-daaaa, Do-daaaa, Start your day with a DOA, ode to do-daa-day"
Later that evening, a fourth arrest call was given out. The patient was DOA.
Arriving with the Rescue(ambulance) and engine, I assisted the EMT from the rescue with the jumpbags, monitor, backboard, cot, and everything else we needed. Going into the house with the now-loaded cot, he grabbed a couple items and headed for the room where the patient was. Unfortunately for him, the hallway he tried to go down was actually a floor to ceiling, 10' wide mirror.
The rest of the call was uneventful, PD was onscene a few minutes later and we all went back to the station.
The next morning, every mirror in the station had large warning signs.
WARNING...Behind This Mirror Is A Wall
CAUTION...If You See You're Walking Towards Yourself, STOP!!!
At least he could laugh at himself
Be safe out there