OK, here it is, much awaited for updates.
THURSDAY 6-10-04
PT added a new twist for our workout pleasure. We did our normal workout at the academy, then went for our run. PT'd at Taco Hill, nothing really out of the ordinary...yet. As we ran down the street back inside the academy, we passed a decent sized puddle of water/mud. After a quick turn-around, we went through the puddle. No, I wish we ran through it, we had to roll in it. Continued running to the tower, ran up the stairs, did our 20 pushups topside, and raced down the stairs. We got back into PT formation and started to stretch. That's when our instructor noticed half the folks in the class aren't wet enough...let's go back. Running formation, another roll through the puddle, and a tower climb later, we finish our stretching. Next thing you know, the hose is turned on and we literally hose each other down. It sounds crazy, but here in Georgia, after a workout, it felt awesome.
The other classes didn't do much while we were gone (over an hour). As we hosed off, they hopped onto the academy's bus and took off. We later found out the bus dropped them a couple miles from the academy and they had to run back.
FRIDAY 6-11-04
As we did a warmup with some light PT, we had Thursday on our minds...anything you can do, we can do better. Not only did we run, we ran to a point over halfway to where the bus dropped the other classes Friday-there and back, around 3-4 miles. BTW, any time we run anywhere, we go by Taco Hill on the way back and do a little PT in the parking lot.
Later that night, 2130 (9:30 pm) I went to "Radio" to sit in for a while. I met one of our dispatchers on a scanner website and he gave me the number to call. I sat in on the north fire dispatch until almost 4 am. There were a lot of...interesting calls. Not really sure what I can write about without breaching patient-confidentiality, let's just say there was a person who thought her bed was on fire, it wasn't... about 3 different locations of 1 car accident...and a bunch of call-swapping. If nothing else, I learned a few of "Radio's" pet peeves 1. If you decided your unit is closer to the call than the unit dispatched, and the 2 units debate over the call, let Radio know who is actually responding. 2. Even if you go to a TAC channel, you should not refer to someone as 'loopy', it may give the dispatcher and anyone nearby a good laugh, but it's not good if the public hears it on a scanner. 3. If Radio wants to know the status of your unit, answer them on the dang radio-that's why you have it. 4. Who cares if the patient and his/her family yelled at you, don't take it out on the dispatcher, the most ridiculous, annoying, and time-consuming calls will find you (especially if it's close to shift-change).
MONDAY 6-14-04
So there we are, doing our warmup (light PT, I feel a good run coming on), minding our own business, here come the other classes. Their instructors must have thought it would be funny to do a staredown. They march to the front of our formation, turn to face us, and call to attention. We ignored them and kept doing our workout. A couple minutes later, they either got bored or gave up, either way, they went for their run. We finished warming-up and went for a run ourselves. Didn't go as far as we did Friday, but we made it count. Another pass by Taco Hill, and a stop at our new favorite swimming hole on the way to the tower.
Class was, very, well, interesting. We finally got to work with one of the stretchers, learning how to raise/lower it, what level it has to be on to clear into the back of the ambulance, and what level is safe for transport (to and from the ambulance). We also spent a little time learning about psychaitric patients...and how to restrain them. Sorry, no straight-jackets, just wrist/ankle bands. Most of the comments I'm not going to repeat, but let's just say even the instructor was rolling around laughing. We had to have a break just to try and calm down a little.
TUESDAY 6-15-04
Another shortened workout so we could extend our run. Ran up to the main road, and over to the mall. Straight-forward run down the front of the mall through the parking lot. We did pause for a bit to PT and have a couple contests, diamond pushups, and diamond-nosebreaker pushups. Went to Taco Hill, then started back towards the academy. It's been raining lately so there are more "pools" along the road. Rolled through one, hopped up, ran across the street, rolled through another (about 6 inches deep). Here's where it got fun, we didn't go into the academy. We ran to the fire station at the top of the hill, I've mentioned it before, they have a volleyball court. As we came up the hill-just within sight of the sand pit- we started chanting "I wanna be a sugar-cookie." As the firefighters realized we were coming 'for a visit', they all came outside to watch...nearly 20 of them, it's a large station. (I can already hear the jokes if I get assigned there.) Started with a few races across the sand, then paired up. Had to lay on our stomachs and leap-frog sideways across the sand and back, we truly were sugar-cookies. Ran to the academy, did the tower (run up, 20 pushups, race down). As you exit the tower, you run around a bit of a corner...there's the instructor, with the hose, nailing folks. We had a good stretch, then had to run over to where a patient (dummy) was laying after falling off the gear shed. Helped remind us you have to be always ready, doesn't matter if you're tired, wet, and still halfway covered in sand...did I mention most of us had taken our shoes off too?
Took exam #5, I'm not happy with my score, 85.6%. Now don't get me wrong, I know I could've done worse, and I did pass with flying colors...but I could have done a lot better. I don't like making excuses, but I've had a lot on my mind lately. Last tuesday, my great-uncle was buried. Since Thursday, my grandfather has been in the hospital (see previous entry). I've spent so much time in the hospital the past couple days, I haven't gotten much sleep. I still try to study every day, but lately, my mind keeps wandering because of my grandad.
Later on, we did yard duties. That afternoon, about 1600, the weather turned nasty and started pouring rain with bad lightening. As a joke, our platoon leader commented "wouldn't it be a shame if we had to go home early? I'm afraid of lightening." Well, the instructor went for it....we grabbed our stuff, put the chairs up, and de-assed the academy before they could change their minds.
I think I've caught up, not to mention I'm tired of writing now...take care