Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Day for a Daydream...

Yesterday wasn't too glorious, I almost lost my temper with a classmate. OK, I've been a lot of places and done a lot of things. Yesterday we were learning about trauma, specifically for this story, car accidents. The instructor posed the question if anyone knew what the front windshield of a car was made of. Everyone was tossing around suggestions but no one really knew. A classmate who sits behind me made the comment (in a rude voice) "ask Brandi, she ought to know." Well, I was nicer than I wanted to be. I turned around and said "well excuse me for ever working at NAPA." **if you don't know, NAPA is a huge automotive parts retailer**  She had been making comments all day....Well she didn't say anything else to or about me the rest of the day. I don't like it that it happened, but she, along with one other person, had been wearing on my nerves all day. I had already mentioned it to my platoon leader, he said he would address the issue with them in private.

Today has been fun so far<insert partial sarcasm here>. Dentist appointment this morning, went and bought a flag to give our the blue field, the original skyline of New York and "September 11, 2001"... My car's new stereo comes in tomorrow, going from 1-10" subwoofer and upgrading to 3-12" subs in a bandpass box. I'm also going to have the capacitor that I already had wired into the system. You can check out what my car looks like at

Later on today, I'm going to go wash my car (there's a meet tomorrow night) and hang out with a couple people from the car club. Don't know what else yet, I'll find something to do. Right now I'm about to go and either play XBox or study, probably some of both.

take care

If anyone reading this has a state EMS patch from any state other than Hawaii, please let me's for a project at the fire academy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl...dont let jealous classmates get to you. Some people just feel threatened or intimidated by others who actually know facts. just shake it off & keep going...I'm proud of ya !!    