Friday, May 7, 2004


Thank goodness it's Friday!!! This has been a long week. The past 3 days were spent on the EVOC range, running over cones and doing push-ups. Yesterday I drove the larger ambulance  (F450 Custom) and only killed 2 cones. Today, I took the driving test and passed in the smaller E350 Custom...They are both Type I for you EMS folks. Of course, my happy butt gets out of the ambulance, after passing the test, and trips over a cone-I owe the Instructors 15 pushups for being a klutz. I have been driving my grandfather's truck the past couple days also, the class has been enjoying the shade of my 10x20 carport (the boxes won't fit in my car). Wednesday during PT, I managed to pull/strain an abdomenal muscle so I had to sit out during PT this morning, it made me a little mad because I wanted to run with my class...If we're injured at all, we have to sit out the entire PT session. I may have 24 more weeks of PT, but those instructors are stomping us, every day counts. I have roughly 50 pages of study guides/worksheets and 5 chapters in 2 different books to study for next week. Not to mention, I have to be tested for TB, and will start my Hepatitus B shots on Monday. Starting Tuesday, a handful from the class will be going to another location in the morning to do a physical assessment (1.5 mile run, situps, pushups, ect...). I hope this weekend is nice and long.....

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