Tuesday, May 3, 2005

lots to do, little time to do it in

The past few days have been hectic to say the least. I'll try to write out the stories when I get more time, but here's a quick synopsis for you...

Pediatric cardiac arrest

High School buddy died from Malaria

Circus performer accident (so much for being off-duty and having a good time)

Seizure patient down unknown amount of time

Wannabe stroke patient

Drive-thru service at 0545 at the station

Captain threatens he can make station life very hard

Fiance home for a few days before shipping off to Iraq


As you can see, my plate is a little full at the moment... To top it all off, I'm now assigned to the ambulance for the next 6 months...So much for a "merged department"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, a typical day I see.  Pedi codes are the worst call of all.
