Saturday, June 26, 2004

many things...

Not a lot going on at the academy the end of the week. Clinicals will be week after next. I'll be riding for 24 hours on the busiest ambulance in the county (on Sat, July 3rd), and doing my 8 hours of ER rotation ther following Tuesday-from 2300-0700 at DMC (local level-2 trauma center). Yesterday we went for round 2 of our Hep B shots, we also had to do a MMR Tider. We have to have our shot records turned in as well as <crosses fingers> having a positive MMR tider before we will be allowed to do our clinical rotations. The tider's have been put on a rush since they normally take 2 weeks, we have 1. If the results don't come back in time, we'll have to get the shots anyway...which will suck if it turns out your immune after-the-fact.

Well, Thursday, after class, was fun. After more than an hour of tearing my car apart, we finally gave in to the fact that my new speakers just won't fit in the trunk. The box is just barely too big, as in less than an inch. I give credit to the installer, he kept trying. We pulled the plastic out, then the carpet, then the whole spare tire and everything else...still a half inch too big. For the time being, the box is hooked up---in the back seat. Hopefully the same setup, but with 10" subs, will come in Monday. Slightly smaller subs=slightly smaller box.

Last night my boyfriend finally came home...he's been on active military duty for a month. He wasn't able to stay long, he wanted to suprise his parents (they thought he would be getting home tonight). We had a chance to swap gifts and talk for a bit before he had to leave. I gave him something with a dragon on it and another little thing with the american flag. He gave me a shirt, and, as a bit of a joke, a new cadence book. Woo Hoo! New cadences to use during PT...hearing the same ones day after day gets very old-very quickly. Later on today, we are going to go to Stone Mtn. and hang out for a while, then watch the laser show. I have a major trauma exam Monday, but my boyfriend said he'll help me study. I'm not going to ask him to say any of the medical terms(I have trouble with a couple myself), but he offered to read the definitions (so I could match the terms) or make up questions from the book. I guess that's the good thing about both of us being in public safety, he really understands why I have to study so much. Since I'm with fire-rescue and he's with the sherriff, there's enough distance between us so we can't get on eachother's nerves and will very rarely cross paths at work.

Stay safe

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