Friday, December 31, 2004

bell? Oh, that bell!

Yesterday was, well, very out of the ordinary. I was on the engine (yaaay!) and it was quiet. Almost too quiet for our station. I can count all the calls for the entire 24 hour shift on one hand- we normally run 10+ every shift. It was kinda nice, I did all my chores and had a nice day hanging out with the guys at the station. I doubt it will ever happen again, but it was a nice day.

I'm a happy camper now, me and Dad went for a nice long ride on the Harley earlier. There was little traffic so it was just about open roads. When we got home, I pulled out my go kart and rode it around the neighborhood a couple times...until I almost ran out of gas.

I'll try to get back online either tonight or tomorrow and write up a call from a couple weeks ago that was pretty interesting...'till then try not to get too drunk tonite.

I not under the alcofluence of incohol Mr. occiffer. I only had 2 beers (holds up 3 fingers)

take care and happy new year

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